To An 'Unsung Ambassador Of Hinduism'
Tomorrow is 'Basant Panchami', the day Dedicated to the Worship of MOTHER SARASWATI,
the Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge of all 'Art And Culture.'
On that auspicious Eve, the call of an 'unknown and unsung', CINDY, is attended to, as a continuum to yesterday's post.
Cindy's Call, that reads.....
Hello, I have been reading these posts with great interest and I have a sincere question I hope someone can answer for me. Since my understanding is that there is no conversion TO Hinduism, I am curious as to how a non-Indian Westerner such as myself who genuinely believes in Sanatana Dharma, performs home pujas to Lord Ganesha, Durga Maa and Lord Shiva and avidly reads the scriptures should identify myself as? I live in a small town where the nearest Hindu community is two hours away, so it is not easy for someone like myself to "join in" as it were. While I firmly do not agree with the way missionaries coerce people to convert, I must say to their favor, Christian groups do make all feel welcome. I find it very hard for me as a non-Indian to feel welcome into the Hindu community. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
( Posted: Saturday , December 30, 2006 at 20:11 )
Dear Cindy,
How I wish,I were there to embrace you with all Divine Serenity after a solemn bow to your inquisitive and vibrant soul !
I have been waitng since the day you expressed your heart out in this forum , for someone to attend to your 'call' from deep within your heart. I on behalf of all my fellow global brethrens, beg your pardon for the delay that was in someway deliberate as clarified in my previous post , being dedicated to you.
My heart goes out to say, "You should proudly identify yourself as a 'JnanaYogi Hindu', that shall rate you as, of a Much Higher Plane, than a general Hindu."
Please refer to 'Prabhudas'(I presume he is also a non-Indian like you but of a 'Hindu Vaisnavite Community'), and his comments, to which I would just append a verse from 'Shrimad Bhagabat', where the Lord says to His Beloved Devotee 'Udhav', which perhaps will be the most relevant and appropriate aid to your genuinely 'genius' query about your 'Self-Identity'.
It is tried to, elucidate that 'Essence', from this layman's simple 'prose-verse';
"Your Mana(The Spiritual Mind) Is Your Supreme Guru,'Udhav'(!) How Many Times Would You Repeat The Same Query !" That 'Mana' is but, constantly distracted from, by the alluring and tantalizing baits of "Four Other Ever-Restless Friends, 'Amana,Bimana,Kumana and Sumana'."
My dear Cindy ! You are a true 'Jnana and Bhakti Yogi'.
Stay where you may, you shall remain 'A True Ambassador Of Hinduism' !
Love and Peace.
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