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You"ve Got to Believe,to Search It !

Sunday, January 21, 2007

HINDUISM in Today's Global Vision

It was a news in IBNLive on December 26; 06 , 'Christians embracing Hinduism', that was rarest of the rares to have hit the pages of that channel.

Ironically perhaps, the 'tidal haunting' of that 'Cruel Day Of Nature's Fury', of the 'Monstrous Tidal Wavery', devastations of Tsunami that hit two years back, the 'worst nightmarish' perhaps were for the Christian Brethrens, no I don't mean by their number, but by the magnitude of their 'Trauma'.

That was the morning, when they were still in their hangover of an eventful 'Christmas Night of Festivities', filled with 'dreams' of celebrations for the week to follow.

Try and stand on their shoes, close your eyes and visualise !

"Think about the plight of losing your near and dear ones , all your 'dreams' being shattered, remember those ghastly scenes of the day, search your souls then !"

Thus that ibnlive.com news had cut a deep wound within my heart and the more comments to it I read, the more I bled.

Coming back to where I begun, a particular comment of one unique, Non-Indian 'CINDY' kept me haunting and I went into a 'penance', as I waited for someone to answer to her soul's call. No one did, hence I posted a reply to the site on 01/13 .

I was not surprised however, when it was not published and I know with certainty that many others would have shared my boat also.

Let me link it to the 'Ardh(Half)-Kumbh' that fell on last New-Moon-Day(Jan. 19th) , at Prayag(Allahbad) that drew many foreigners, some seeking 'self-realisation' or 'soul-searching', most others just out of their curiousity and inquisitiveness of the 'colosal congregation' at the place.

But most noteworthy among them all, were 'some young girls (all between 17 to 23) from Croatia who became disciples of a Guru' and were seen performing 'Pranayams, Yoga' and all other forms of 'unbelievable Penances' in the Hermit's Ashram !

It is truly 'a reality show', of the life that is prevailing in an otherside of our world !

That reflects the 'family-value-system', that is prevalent in the present-day-world, to which we unfortunately are only rendering, our blind's eyes.

The 'psychological apathy to worldly life', that is shown by our youth of today, should and must be a 'cause of concern' for all of us, and demands from us all, 'delicate handling of 'Our Community', today.

The 'gen-next' are 'our children', and would be links to that 'Chain of Creation' of the Providence, of which each of us is one, and we have to be accountable to, for our childrens' Future , as they are our 'Flag-Bearers of Tomorrow'.

Gosh, too longish has been this write-up !

Dear Cindy's call is not perhaps Destined to be attended to, even to-day !!

Still some more of my 'Penance' !!!

Thanks for your patience to be with me till now.

Love and Peace.


Track forward to "The Cindy's Call".....


txdave said...

Interesting reading, not sure the format is ideal to read tho, also some photos would liven up the prose, see wht I mean:



good luck


bdk said...

Thanks,Mr.Dave Gershner,for your 'assertive' comments.
Loved the wonderful pics. in your site.