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Friday, January 26, 2007

Islamic Holocaust:Now the Budhists

Posted here an unedited, undelivered message of Jan.20,07, from yahoo-news, being copy pasted from the copy in my email ID.
bdk (b.prelude@gmail.com) has sent you a news article.
(Email address has not been verified.)
Personal message:
Though belated,this article of another barbaric and butcherly Holocaust and the 'call' for it against the 'Budhist' in Southern Thailand by Islamic Militia,must be condemned by one and all especially by all civilized,peace-loving 'Islam-brethrens' from all corners of the globe.
My heart goes out to join the traumatised victims.
One beheaded, two killed in thai Muslim south, Yahoo !
Yahoo! Newshttp://news.yahoo.com/