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Friday, January 19, 2007

U.S. official: Chinese test missile obliterates satellite

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A "Kill Vehicle" carrying missile successfully

destroyed an orbiting satellite 537 miles above

Earth on the 11th, by China, the first after three

failed tests.
This could undermine China's relations with the

West and pose a threat to military sattelites.

US has been able in ASAT(Anti-Sattelite) program

since mid-1980s.

They have formally lodged a diplomatic protest,

joined by Canada and Australia.

John Pike of globalsecurity.org, a Web site compiling

worldwide security informations expressed concern,

"If we,for instance,got into a conflict over Taiwan, one

of the first things they'd probably do would be to shoot

down all of our lower Earth-orbit spy satellites putting

out our eyes".

"The thing that is surprising and disturbing is that

(China) has chosen this moment to demonstrate a

military capability that can only be aimed at the US",

he said.

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U.S. official: Chinese test missile obliterates satellite - CNN.com*
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